Monkey Business

Yes, Van is becoming his father.

I received this plant from Van for Mother's Day. Not only have I kept it alive since then, it has even sprouted a few blooms.
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Idoia said...

Aw, cute! I can't wait to start getting Mother's Day gifts from the girls.

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  • 大阪にある女性向け性感マッサージ体験談 - 大阪市の某性感マッサージ店で性感マッサージを受けました。 店はホームページで検索してから知った店で、セラピストは全員女性。 セラピストのプロフィールを一通り確認して、僕と同じ野球が趣味のセラピストが在籍してたので、ほのセラピストを指名する事にしました。 料金システムは初めてという事もあり、最安値の60分800...
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  • The bearded lady - *River:* you have a beard! *Me:* um, no i don't. *River: *why not? *Me:* because i'm a lady. ladies don't have beards. *River: *why not? *Me:* because God di...
    10 years ago
  • Run, run as fast as you can! - So, I've got a question for you friends. Does anyone else ever run from Jesus? Or is it just me? I mean, if I ran in my real life like I do from Jesus on o...
    11 years ago
  • Happy 3rd Birthday, Owen Pete! - My Sweet Owen, Happy birthday! It’s finally here, after asking almost every day since your brother’s birthday if it was your turn. I’m writing this afte...
    11 years ago
  • 18 Months - My baby is not a baby anymore! Caden is running and talking up a storm these days. I used to be able to count the number of words he knows, but it seems ...
    12 years ago
  • Canola Pictures - In the business of having a newborn, I did manage to steal a few minutes away to take some pictures of my oldest child (that still sounds weird to me...
    12 years ago
  • - Is it weird that I said I would get four blog posts out in 2011? Yes, yes, it is. 2011 is a blur. And here we are at the beginning of another year -- 2012 ...
    12 years ago
  • I've moved!! - New name, new location, new blog altogether: Chalk on the Walls Join me on a journey of motherhood, wife-hood, decorating, baking and more! [image: Pho...
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  • Hurricane Nate? - Well, my namesake is on the list of potential named storms in the Atlantic this year. Which got me this a good thing or a bad thing? If Hurr...
    13 years ago
  • First two weeks of summer vacation = Pure Awesomeness - Summer haircut! Swimming in Grandmom's pool! Claire started off not even wanting to jump in from the side, but got braver and braver, until she was jumping...
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  • Everything has moved - This blog has moved to Happy reading!
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  • sweet thing - he melts my heart. [image: Free Hit Counters] Website Counters
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  • Iowa and Christmas party - We went to Iowa for Thanksgiving. The girls had a blast and the weather was actually nice. Strange for Iowa. On the way up, we stopped in KC to see my coll...
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  • Fall - October and November 09 Jude is a professional walker now!! He’s fast and physically adept, steering the popper toy around one handed, pulling out (and bre...
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  • MaMaMaMaMaMa - This evening has been very...eventful. Nathan flew out this afternoon for an auditor's conference so it was All Girl's Night at the Blais'. Anna Jane fell ...
    15 years ago
  • Open Adoption - So really, I do have a final post for this blog in my head...but I haven't had time to do what I want to do and I haven't moved all my links over to Anderso...
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  • My Blog Has Moved!!! - Hi everyone! Sorry for the inconvenience, but I have moved my blog over to WordPress. You can now catch up with me at I hav...
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  • It's been an odd day! - As most of you have probably already heard, I was in a car accident this morning. I will now answer your questions that you are thinking in your head Yes, ...
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  • AWESOME!!! - I don't think there is anything more funny than watching Gremlins in spanish!!!
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